Research article
Issue: № 2 (2), 2015


In this article examines one of the urgent problems of syntactic semantics - the asymmetry of language signs. The author based on the nature of the Uzbek language highlights the asymmetry of the formal structure of complex proposals and its content.

The philosophical units like form and meaning, the proportion of them, the relation of them to the event, especially, are specific for the sentence. The synthetic construction, especially, the opposites of the form and meaning are represented by two features: 1) paradigmatic disproportionate; 2) synthegmatic disproportionate [1, p.23-26].

The appearance of the synthetic – semantic disproportion is displayed on the spare of 2 features or abundance of them and it consists of the form and event be-cause of spare them [5]. The opposite sides of plenty’s the language is the spare principles of the language, the synthetic-semantic disproportion of the simple sentences disappeared on the base of this principles. To spare of the means of the language is represented by the sparing the meaning of the compound forms. The plenty principle of language displays the simple meaning in the compound sentences. The spare of language units and abundance of them is showed in every layer of the language. The spare and abundance principles, there is the dispro-portion of the compound and simple sentences are appeared. In this article we are pointed on the disproportion of the compound sentences and their types. Like the every  language units, the compound sentences haze the form and meaning. It is known, that the additional sentences is formed by the subordination and it express the more denotative events. For example:  The book is the source of knowledge, that’s why we love the book. This sentence  is the additional sentences of cause. In “We love the book” there is two denotative event – the propositions are represented. The form and meaning are suitable to each other. 

There are such kind of additional compound sentences which have not the proportion of form and meaning. It is  known, there are expressive meaning, opposite words «deictic sign» are used in the compound sentences. This words have not the semantic qualities, but expressed by the additional sentences. This deictic signs represent the disproportion in the conditional sentences. 

The additional conditional sentences are the wholeness whic is consisted of the form and meaning, this unit is formed by the usage of the opposite word in the compound words. This word has not any  semantic quality, but expressed by the conditional sentences.

The abundance principle has only the form and is used in the sentences. «Two predicate which are expressed the event  is used in the conditional sentences, and it is not expressed the main events, but, it gives evidence to the compound  sentences» [3, p. 32]. In linguistics there are 2 definations to the abundance: 1) the  unit which is do not do the function in the sentences; 2) it is repeated in the different  semantics and has many meanings. The  abundance characterized not only the  thouthtologic or facultative, but it expresses  the connotative, emotive meanings.The abundance, firs table, is understood as the specific and secondly, as the stylistic abundance.

The principle of abundance has two types:  а) lexical abundance;  б) grammatical abundance. The lexical abundance is widely used in artistic and  official style. The grammar abundance is widely used in the speech and written text. 

The grammar abundance is observed in the simple and compound sentences. The simple and compound sentences are similar by their abundance  peculiarities but  they differ from each other. The abundance specific to simple sentence, mostly, is  represented by asemantic vocabulary units in the synthetic structure of the sentences. The function of  the asemantic form units do the vocabulary units which  are observed by the pronominalisation. For example,  the man who reads a lot knows a lot. In this sentence, the man is abundance. That’s why; we can change this sentences, like that one: Who reads a lot, knows a lot. The construction of the sentences is changed, but semantic and synthetic structures are not changed. The abundance principal is active in the conditional sentences. Truly, the kind man is respected by everyone, this synthetic construction is must be expressed by this, everyone respects the men who is kind. The difference of the simple sentence from compound sentence, is in the consideration and separation of the, meaning. In generally, the abundance construction of the synthetic system is very, important and attentive events of these.

In compound sentences of abject, subject, complex object, predicate and position as in simple sentences there are the polypredicative constructions is given. For example:  It is known,  the honest people has the honest soul. By the general part of the compound sentences, the modus (It is known), by the additional sentences  (the honest people has the honest soul)  denotative events are represented. The dictum of this sentence can be given like this: The work of the people with honest soul must be honest. It is the logic continues of the meaning and doesn’t differ from each other. This denotative sentence is differing only by the expression. This was the reason to become the disproportion of the meaning, and form – the asymmetry. These typical constructions of the compound and simple, sentences are not differing. As, such  differentiation is based on the denotative units like proposition.

There are some ways of disproportion are given:  1.  The disproportion represented by the proposition. The proposition of  the disproportion is appeared by the adding two simple sentences. In this position, the main part and additional sentences are not the proposition, they represent the modus.

The abundance principal works, only with the relation of the word in the modus which is expressed the event in the main sentences. Many times, when it is funny (qizig’i), it is good (yaxshisi), it is bad (yomoni) as the subject of the main part come like a quality, the denotative event changes into modus one, and it calls as the donative event of the additional conditional sentences [4, p. 114]. For example: It is funny, my aunt knows everything. – in this sentences, “it is funny”  with modal meaning displays as the subject, in the result, the main part becomes modus event. The main information is  informed by the additional sentences (she  knows everything).  We can observe such work when in order of object we use these verbs: bilmoq (to know), ko’rmoq (to see), aytmoq (to say), ta’kidlamoq (to consider), esda tutmoq  (to remember), sedan chiqarmoq (to forget), payqamoq (to notice), ishonmoq (to believe), fahmlamoq (to conform), tushunmoq (to understand), ogoh bo’lmoq (be attantives), o’ylamoq (to think), qaror qilmoq (to make a decision), aniqlamoq (to find), tan bermoq (to subjugate), his etmoq (to feel), mo’ljallamoq (to plan), shubhalanmoq (to doubt). These meaning is suit to the modus events [4, p. 173]. For example:  The mother felt it, his son thought only about his stomach  In this sentence the object  is “felt”, it comes as modus, and can be used as the introductory: The mother felt that, - By the feeling of mother we can see that in order to make a strong consider, we used it in the introductory place. Such position can be shown in many artistic works.

2.  The disproportion which is created by the synthetic way of proportional words. This disproportion can be observed in the main and additional sentences like the answer and question. The direction part of the conditional sentences do one synthetic function, other ones do the opposite synthetic one and it makes the disproportion. For example: Who wants to be great, one must limits herself. In this sentences the direction part of two sentences – plays like subject. So, in this sentence the direction parts are used in correct way. But some times we saw another ways: Who is polite, has many friends. In this sentence, which – one is the direction parts, they are disproportion because, the direct part of the additional sentence who – is the subject, one in the main sentence –  is the predicate. In this sentence the propositions like this: The polite man has many friends. So, in below mentioned sentences we can the disproportion of the form and meaning. If the conditional sentence has two predicative relations, one denotative event is represented and by the abundance principle the expressiveness is made strongly. It is important to consider that the lingual disproportion plays a great role in the evaluation of language and it is not the plenty wage for the sentences. This principle expresses the information fluently and it serves to understand the sentence clearly [2, p. 30].

We can see it in this sentence: Who serves to his people, every body proud of him. (who, everybody – subject - predicate), who has the profession, one has the treasure (who – predicate, one – subject). 

As the result, when the sentences with the abundance principles make the proportion of the form and meaning, it makes the synthetic – semantic disproportion.. So, the disproportion takes good part in the evaluation of the language. It doesn’t matter, the disproportion is the attribute which is construct the similar events. 


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