A logically viewed lineage chain gives an idea of the place, where a lexico-semantic group takes place in the linguistic picture of the world. In its pure form the chain can be represented in the following way: material world → organic world → animal world → animal species → insects’ names. Butterflies belong to the lepidoptera, a group of insects with complete transformation: egg, larva, doll and imago. The name derives from Latin Lepidóptera, ancient Greek: λεπίς, genus.p. λεπίδος (lepídos) – Scales and πτερόν (pterón) – Wing. Their wings are coated with various coloured scales and range from 2 mm to 30 cm. The butterfly’s life is short: they live from a few hours to a few days, but winter butterflies can live for a few months. Many butterflies contribute to plant pollination by producing natural silk from silk cocoons. However, caterpillars – larvae of butterflies do a great deal of damage to agriculture and forestry.
Beginning with the ancient Greek and ancient Roman times, the image of the butterfly has been rather popular and inspiring for a great number of European painters and researchers. The study of lepidopteronyms may serve as a good example for interdisciplinary approach involving biology, history, mythology, paraemiology, world art culture and foreign languages. The image of the butterfly finds a rather contradictory embodiment in the mythology of different peoples. Ancient Romans believed that the wind blows off the leaves of flowers, and they turn into butterflies. In the myths of ancient Greece, they symbolize love and immortality. The soul in the beliefs of different peoples has wings and it is represented as a butterfly due to its lightness and ease. Along with the idea of the butterfly as a soul that has left (or leaving) the human body, there was an understanding of the demonic nature of these creatures: they could turn into witches and monsters and cause disease or death. The butterfly is the epitome of the divine cycle of death and resurrection. In her life cycle, there is an allegory for the Christian dogma of saving the soul. The caterpillars, evolved from the egg, embody people condemned to live in filth and misery; then they are trapped in a cocoon and later fly out of it – free, light and beautiful.
Our previous research showed that the representation of butterflies in mythology and painting has opposite features. In the beliefs of many peoples, the soul of a human being is a butterfly, freed for eternal life, but at the same time it can be the focus of the evil that kills a human being. In the canvases we have seen, the butterfly is always a symbol of rebirth, of new life, of liberation. It is a new beginning, a new circle of development.
The objective of the research
The objective of the research is to characterize direct and indirect principles for the nomination of lepidopteronyms with a transparent inner form in English and Russian, to analyze motivational indicators of endocentric and exocentric types of nomination.
Materials and Methods
The «Dictionary of Names of European Animals in Seven Languages» by L. Gozmani [1] and «The Dictionary of Animal Names: Insects» by B.R. Striganova and A.A. Zakharov [6] were used to find names of butterflies in the two languages. The dictionary by L. Gozmani consists of two volumes containing more than 12,000 dictionary articles. It includes about 150,000 animal names inhabiting the zoogeographical area of Europe. If the reader knows one of the zoological taxon names in one of the languages used in the dictionary, they can find the name in the appropriate index, from where the sequence number is referred to the scientific Latin name. All the headings are in Latin, in the alphabetical order, followed by their equivalents in German, English, French, Hungarian, Spanish and Russian. Thus, in order to realize the objective of the present study, a list of the names of lepidoptera was drawn up on the basis of the data of the two dictionaries, with a transparent inner form in English and Russian.
In the research, the following research methods have been used: a continuous sampling method, registration and processing of the obtained data, observation, and analysis of motivational indicators in endocentric and exocentric types of nomination.
Results and discussion
Metaphorical transfer of lepidopteronyms in English
The outline of the terms can be presented as follows: Scientific reasoning – Type of scientific reasoning – Terms resulting from semantic transfer – A typology of regular semantic transfers. The last link in the chain can be seen as a specific national feature, being a direct reflection of the metaphorical nature of a given national linguistic consciousness. E.S. Kubryakova indicates that there are direct and indirect ways of nomination [4]. It should be noted that the inner form of a word cannot reflect all its properties. The nomination shall be based on any bright, prominent or secondary feature. G.N. Yagfarova emphasizes that the nominating principles are onomasiological models that generalize the most characteristic features of nominating objects in the surrounding world [7, P.174]. The reasons for this are varied. O.P. Ryabko distinguishes two nominating principles: the first one is based on the logical correspondence between the determining component and the component being determined – which the researcher calls a direct nomination, and the second one – the principle of association, which is called an indirect nomination [5, P. 47]. At the same time we stress that indirect/indirect nomination is based on the metaphorical perception of reality, which according to G.N. Yagfarova, reflects the real interaction between phenomena and objects in the surrounding world [7, P. 174]. L.V. Grichenko considers that indirect nominations are the linguistic embodiment of cultural codes [3, P. 58]. The analysis of the plane of content in the nomination of lepidopteronyms in English and Russian allows highlighting their universal and specific features.
The class of butterflies is divided into groups, which are further divided into one or more families. Each family can generally consist of several genera and species. N.D. Golev indicates that the following types can be distinguished in the content of the motivational features in each thematic group of names: A – insects’ names based on their appearance: A1 – by colour, A2 – by shape, A3 – by size; B – by lifestyle: B1 – by biotype, B2 – by distribution, B3 – by time of occurrence, etc. [2]. In the case of lepidopterononyms, another indicator should be added: the insect’s diet. These most general types, which we call the categories of nomination, point to those aspects of the realities that constitute the content of the motivational attributes. The categories of nomination are specified in the nominating principles, which directly indicate the quality of the motivational indicator: B1 – by place, B2 – by time, B3 – by action. The categories and principles of the nomination are combined in the motifs for the nomination: in terms of the time of activity, etc.
Let us consider the most common motivational features of a given lexico-semantic field.
Motivational indicator – the butterfly’s habitat
Among the modifying lexemes of the lepidoptera macro field the following lexemes nominating the butterfly’s habitat have been found: : the European beak – носатка листовидная; African queen or African monarch – данаида хризипп; the European peacock – павлиний глаз; The Scotch argus – чернушка эфиопка; the white-veined Arctic – бархатница северная; the Jutta Arctic or Baltic grayling – бархатница ютта или энеида болотная; the Norse grayling – бархатница норна; American copper – червонец пятнистый или многоглазка пятнистая; the woodland ringlet – чернушка медуза. A total of 24 lexical units have been identified in the English language, corresponding to the category under consideration. The above examples show that in the English language this group contains such modifying lexemes as: European, African, Balkan, Siberian, Scottish, Arctic, Yuttan, Norwegian, American, woodland. In Russian other characteristic features form the basis for nomination with the exception of Arctic corresponding to Northern.
Motivational indicator – appearance of the butterfly
In the following group of lepidopteronyms, the nomination content is transmitted by using a description of the butterflies, their colour, size and shape: the black-veined white – боярышница; the dragon swallowtail – серицин монтела; the green-veined white – брюквенница; the common beak – носатка лепита; the purple emperor – переливница ивовая; the red admiral – адмирал; the painted lady – репейница; violet fritillary – перламутровка малая; the two-tailed pasha – двухвостая нимфалида; the marbled white – пестроглазка галатея; branded meadowbrown – бархатница волчья; the dusky meadow brown – бархатница ликаон; the great banded grayling – бархатница цирцея; the orange hairstreak – зефир Джонаса; the black hairstreak – хвостатка сливовая; the sooty copper – червонец чёрнопятнистый; the large copper – червонец непарный; the lesser fiery copper – червонец блестящий; the holly blue – голубянка весенняя; the large jewel blue – голубянка Лёва. A total of 49 lexical units belonging to this group have been identified. In the English language, the vocabulary representing colour, size and shape are: double-tailed, copper, small, large, blue, purple, white, black, and green. Different types of the butterfly’s structure are described in the lexico-semantic field of the species indicating the shape of lepidopteronyms. For example, the composite two-tailed shows that butterflies have bifurcated tails on their wings; the composite large indicates that butterflies are large or have large wings. The name dragon swallowtail refers to a butterfly having wings with tails. The rest of the lexical units representing different colours are widely used in English as opposed to Russian which uses them less.
Motivational indicator – the butterfly’s proper name
Human names including the names of ancient mythologists may be the reference components of the lepidopteronyms: The Apollo – Аполлон; The clouded Apollo – мнемозина; Mimathyma schrenckii – переливница Шренка; Limenitis doerriesi – ленточник Дёрриса; the Pallas' sailer – пеструшка темнокрылая; Vanessa atalanta – Адмирал; Euphydryas iduna – шашечница Идуна; Argynnis Pandora – перламутровка Пандора; Boloria oscarus – перламутровка оскар; the Thor's fritillary – перламутровка Тора; Boloria tritonia – перламутровка тритония; Erebia cyclopius – чернушка циклоп; Fischer's blue – голубянка Фишера; Ripart's anomalous blue – голубянка Рипперта. In this group of 26 names, the nomination is based mainly on various known mythological characters, as well as scholars who discovered or described the species. For example, Apollo – the deity of beauty and light (light, beautiful butterfly); Iduna – a goddess, possessor of apples of youth (in Russian, this butterfly has an additional shade to the name as a pattern in the form of checkers appears on its wings); Pandora – an «endowed with all gifts» woman (this species’ wings have an iridescent colour as well as a bright pattern); Thor – the god of thunder, storm and fertility, protecting gods and people from giants and monsters (the butterfly has a peculiar harsh coloration describing this God as he might be). A separate group of lepidopteronyms can be distinguished, named after well-known scientists such as: Schrank (a German botanist and zoologist of the 18th-19th centuries); Fischer (a Russian naturalist of the 18th-19th centuries, the author of works on entomology and zoology); Ripart (20th century) and some others. All lepidopteronyms received this nomination thanks to scientists who discovered or researched these species.
Other motivational indicators
At the periphery of the lexico-semantic field in question there are the lexemes that indicate plants and berries: the chestnut tiger – caterpillars of the butterfly live on chestnut leaves; the cranberry fritillary – cranberry leaves are in the diet of caterpillars; the pea blue – this type of caterpillar feeds exclusively on bean cultures.
As a result of our research, we have identified 102 species of lepidopteronyms with a transparent inner form of the word in English. The most common motivational indicator of a lepidopteronym in endocentric type of nomination is the appearance of the butterfly: its size, shape and colour of its body or wings. The second is habitat motivation. The third place belongs to the exocentric type of nomination based on proper names and mythological characters, which was due to the established classical tradition.
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