The study of word connections in the lexicon, especially in the lexicon of a multilingual individual, is inevitably associated with problems of access to the word, and, therefore, with problems of word identification. In foreign literature on cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics the term "identification" refers to the process of visual stimulus recognizing [1]. It is assumed that access to word meaning is possible when the stimulus is fully identified. A.A. Zalevskaya proposed psycholinguistic theory of the word as an asset of an individual, as means of access to a single information base of a person. This theory led to a wider interpretation of the term "word identification." This interpretation involves the designation of all mental processes, the product of which is a subjective experience of knowledge (understanding) of what we are talking about, readiness to operate this knowledge considering versatile prior experience and emotional evaluation, conscious and unconscious interaction, verbalized and non-verbalized [2]. Modeling of word identification processes implies to distinguish conditionally the following stages of this single process for research purposes: access to a word - word recognition - word identification [3].
T.Yu. Sazonova emphasizes that psycholinguistic approach considers and explains the nature of perceptual interaction, conceptual and affective information in identification process of word meaning. She points out that "from the point of view of this approach, the identification process is considered as an interactive process for finding the meaning of a word in all directions simultaneously" [4; highlighted by the authors]. Note that experimental situations allow you to expose individual results of this process, which makes it possible to determine supports (keys) that motivate word identification, which is provided by a complex of multistage processes that take place at different levels of awareness during the interaction of perceptual, cognitive, and emotional-evaluation experiences of a native speaker [ibid.: P.192].
Such scientists as I.A. Sternin, F.G. Samigulin, A. A. Flaxman, I.S. Borozdina, N.I. Vlasenko, I.A.Tolmacheva, V.V. Zvyagintseva believe that the key link in solving the problem of language processing is not knowledge, but those characteristics of native speakers, that are not subjected to stereotyping and conceptual modeling, namely goal-setting, formation and satisfaction of needs, emotional states, hidden motives, worldview values. F.G. Samigulina notes that "cognitive activity, the results of which materialize in the language, depends on many pragmatic and even ideological factors. Consideration of these factors in modern linguistic research means a transition from a theory based solely on signs and operations with signs to a theory appealing to pragmatic needs of communicators, since specific to discursive activities as activities of thinking, carried out in a certain situation, are influenced by various communicative and pragmatic conditions" [5, P. 6]. I.A. Sternin uses the term "communicative consciousness," by which he understands "a complex of human consciousness mechanisms that ensure its communicative activity" [6, P.87]. A.A. Flaxman says that "mentality, language and culture of a single people are mutually beneficial to each other" [7]. Many researchers, studying various language aspects, for example phraseological foundation, conclude that the role of vocabulary in translating national-cultural knowledge about native language is great.
Problems of lexical access in the process of recognition or word identification attract special attention. Access process includes several steps. First, there should be a kind of incentive that "starts" the operating system. It is assumed that a written word is such a stimulus, a spoken word is for the perception of oral speech, a concept is for speaking and writing. The stimulus is like an input to the procedure (set of procedures) for mapping this input to a representation, which provides access to mental lexicon. Since such a representation is in the interface between stimulus and mental lexicon (memory), it is called access representation. Spelling representation is for reading, phonological representation is for oral perception, semantic-syntactic is for speaking and writing. Lexical access is made at the time of contact with access representation. Such access leads to the extraction of all available information about the word [4].
Many works are devoted to the study of the processes of word identification. For example, scientific study of L.V. Gazizova is devoted to the study of strategies and supports used by native speakers in word identification as an individual asset. The author considers word identification as a process carried out at different levels of information processing (perceptual, affective, cognitive) using various ways of correlating language information with person's knowledge, beliefs, and ideas about the world. This study considers the process of identifying a familiar word on the material of Tatar and Bashkir languages with adult speakers, and words identification is studied as a three-sided process that proceeds according to formal and semantic features of the word. As a result of data analysis obtained during the experiment, it was found that the following supports are used as supports on semantic grounds: identification of a word stimulus based on image or representation; word identification as an understanding of its meaning for itself; word identification based on the situation; word identification based on emotional-evaluation experiences of an individual; word identification based on an intermediate element of an associative process; word identification based on sensory-emotional experiences; word identification based on word potential; word identification based on a "specific" concept system and word identification based on an "abstract" concept system [8].
N.M. Tkachenko discusses a study of strategies for pseudo-word identification. In this study a pseudo-word is a word without substantive correlation. The work is devoted not only to the analysis of an isolated pseudo-word, but to its functioning in a verbal context, which consists only of pseudo-words. According to the author, pseudo-word identification strategies functioning at different levels of its awareness in direct interaction are due to a number of identification supports, priority choice of which depends both on the nature of pseudo-word itself and on the characteristics of perceptual interaction, cognitive and affective experience of an individual and presence/absence of a verbal context [9]. During the analysis of obtained reactions the researcher found out that the following supports are used as supports in the process of isolated pseudo-word identification: 1) support on the phonetic image of a pseudo-word, 2) support on the phonetic image of the stimulus as an intermediate element of an associative process, 3) support on a word symbol, 4) support on a stimulus symbol as an intermediate element of an associative process, 5) support on morphological components of a word, 6) reliance on morphological components of a word as an intermediate element of an associative process, 7) support on grapheme chains as components of a word, 8) supporting grapheme/phoneme chains as an intermediate element of an associative process, 9) support on lexico-grammatical class and grammatical form of the pseudo-word [ibid.].
Analysis of associative reactions obtained in the process of a pseudo-word identification in the context allowed N.M. Tkachenko to identify the following supports: 1) supports on sensual components of internal context, 2) support on vocabulary-grammatical class and grammatical form of a pseudo-word, 3) rejection of the reaction, 4) support on the situation simulated by the subjects [ibid.].
Yu.V. Fedurko considers the features of the process of an unfamiliar word identification from the perspective of a synergistic vision of the world. According to the author, the synergy of the identification process lies on the one hand, in mutually deterministic circular process of merging the energy of an individual aimed at identifying a new word and the energy of a word that appears in it as the realization of a representative language function only due to the specific content of perceptive-cognitive-affective experience of each particular individual. On the other hand, successful/unsuccessful identification of an unfamiliar word occurs when reference elements interact. An unfamiliar/new word is a certain informational impulse that intensifies multiple connections, relationships between elements of mental lexicon; calls certain experiences, emotions; updates a certain piece of experience. [10].
The researcher developed a synergistic model for an unfamiliar word identification, which includes all processes from getting a word into a view of an individual to it identification - identifying with a fragment of an individual image of the world. The identification process is accompanied by an increase in the number of links. And when an order parameter appears concentration on the corresponding datum increase. Yu.V. Fedurko also notes that when an individual meets an unfamiliar word, a nonlinear situation occurs. In this situation random deviations occur in mental lexicon as a dynamic self-organizing system, bringing the system into instability state. This happens due to the arrival of energy in the conceptual system of an individual in the form of new information. This stage ends with the transition of the system to a stable state with a higher level of organization (getting into mental lexicon of a new unit with the formation of numerous connections) [ibid.].
However, despite the versatility conducted research on word identification processes and strategies, it should be noted that linguistics does not have a complete set of knowledge of the process of terms identification that have not been subjected to consistent and systematic analysis and subsequent description in a comparative aspect based on language differentiation.
Experiment and Results
We conducted an experimental study to identify terms in the context. Respondents were asked to read the text and then to retell it. If the text was in English, it was necessary to retell it into Russian and Burmese; when the text was in Russian, it was necessary to retell it into English and Burmese. Respondents were interviewed individually. The retelling of the texts was fixed in written form. Then a comparison was made between the use of terms and professional vocabulary in original texts and in retellings.
During the analysis of obtained experiment data, it was found that many terms were identified and used in each type of retelling: internet, provider, wireless access points, users, kilo bite (kilobyte), connection, software, access point, attack, server, overloaded, access, hacker, virus, flood. In most cases, direct translation equivalents were used. Only in some cases respondents somehow explain the term. We can say that they did this when they simply did not know translated equivalent (for example, provider - обеспечиватель) [11, P. 96-101], [12, P. 199-204], [13, P.12-20], [14, P. 72-75].
Terms such as: network, network center, hotspot, broadband speed connection, outlets, external drives, updated databases, portable work, authentication tool were not identified by the respondents in any language. Some terms were not identified when retelling Russian texts into Burmese, for example: removable drive, system registry.
The results of a qualitative analysis, in which original texts and retellings were compared not in terms of presence or absence of certain terms, but in terms of meaning and usefulness of a certain term usage in the context.
So, we can conclude that: 1) relatively simple and widespread terms are easily identified by the respondents and easily transmitted by translation equivalents in another language. Such correspondences are more observed between English and Russian; this ratio is a little less between Russian and Burmese and English and Burmese [12, P. 199-204]; 2) when there were highly specialized terms the respondents had difficulty in their identification, in most cases they simply omitted these terms when retelling the text. For example, the term broadband speed connection was omitted in retelling English text into Russian, despite its meaning in the context and role in understanding the meaning of the text: Each card entitles users to 15 hours access through a broadband speed connection; ranging from 128-512 kilo bytes per second. – Каждая карта даёт возможность 15 часового доступа со скоростью интернета 125-512 килобайт в секунду.
Thus, we can say that in many cases, the links between the words of different languages operate only at the level of word form .
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