The work and contribution of the colossus of knowledge Milan Šufflay is well known by scientific, historiographical and literary circles everywhere. He wrote a lot in the field of history and culture of the European peoples, especially the peoples of the Balkans. Šufflay as an albanologist, from our point of view is seen as a historiographer, but also as a writer with those topics that address the Albanian history, culture and life. The theme of his work, which spans from ancient times, is as much interesting as it is bold, especially one that elaborates the medieval period. Through these scientific works, but also in other fields, Šufflay represents the figure of a special, principled and impartial intellectual who did so much for the truth, heritage and rights of each people of the Balkans and beyond.
This multidimensional intellectual, by doing valuable work, also deals with the history and culture of another people, such as the Albanians in this case, and more recently his work is the object of careful and comprehensive study and elaboration. This topic will be focused on a superficial overview of his works, the evaluations, contacts, commitments, obligations, reactions, research and correspondence with Albanian intellectuals of culture, literature, science, politics, etc., which are as numerous as they are of interest. Therefore, generally viewed, Albanians in particular have obligations in reviewing the work and honouring the figure of this colossus.
In general, reviewing with dedication the work of M. Šufflay, which has to do with the Albanian issue, certainly requires serious work by applying the appropriate scientific methods to bring arguments and facts, innovations in human messages, which are of a particular importance. In the context of all this, it will be of interest to display writings (correspondence) developments, studies, evaluations and pronunciations of various authors, by prominent figures such as: Faik Konica, Mithat Frashëri, Gjergj Fishta, Aleks Buda, K. Frashëri, Ismail Kadare, Jahja Dranqolli, P. Xhufi, M. Zeqo, Shaban Sinani and-so-on.
Biography and scientific activity
When we read the biography of Milan Šufflay, we can say that his life was interesting, intense and with many challenges. He was born in Lepoglava, Croatia in November 1879 where he received his first lessons, and then continued the classical gymnasium where he achieved excellent success and graduated with the highest grades. After finishing high school he enrolled in higher studies in historical sciences at the University of Zagreb. Even as a student he was distinguished for extraordinary ingenuity, especially in the field of history and in knowledge of foreign languages. Šufflay spoke and wrote all Slavic languages, as well as other languages, old Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, German, English, French, and Hungarian. Later, with his special devotion and talent, he acquired other languages, such as Hebrew, Albanian, etc. He received his Ph.D. in 1901, and two years later he studied Albanology at the College of Vienna under the guidance of Prof. Jireçek, which he failed to compete, due to different reasons.
After completing his university studies, he devoted himself to scientific work, achieving continuous success, so very quickly, he became known as a researcher on a European scale. At a very young age, he engages in various collaborations with well-known scientists, such as Jireçek and Talos. They collaborate with Šufflay in drafting the “Codex diplomaticus” corpus. For a short period he worked at the Institute of Historical Studies in Vienna where he also published “Dalmatian Private Deeds”. Later for a period of four years he has worked in National Museum of Budapest, etc.
The Scientific work of Milan Šufflay is significantly large, although with many obstacles and challenges, which were almost permanent during his life. In most cases, as the sole author, (he has published under pseudonyms), or in collaboration with others, he published various scientific works, distinguishing here those that deal with the Albanian issue and their naighbors, such as: “Church circumstances in Albania”, “Albanian borders in the Middle Ages”, “Mediavel Albania”, “The Hungarian-Albanian connection in the Middle Ages”, “Political Fates of Durrës Theme”, “Biology of the tribes of the Albanian people”, “National Fog”, “Cadastre of Shkodra”, “Ethnic Cyclones in the Balkans”, “Cities and Castles of Albania in the Middle Ages”, “Serbs and Albanians”, “National Mosaic in Macedonia”, “Medieval Towns and Villages”, “Konstantin Ballshaj” (novel) etc. Therefore, a voluminous work that goes to work that goes to about 3 thousand titles of books and study articles related to Croatia, Hungary, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Greece, Macedonia, etc.
Numerous titles which present the work that are related to the Albanian history and culture signify that M. Šufflay is one of the most distinguished personalities of the Albanalogy science and one of the most dignified representatives, especially for the medieval period. With documents and arguments he brings facts and thesis revealing the culture and organization of the civic life of Albania. He also argues for the descent of Albanians from Illyrians, reinforcing the thesis of the German philosopher Gottfried Leibniz, thesis that comes from the late 17the and early 18th centuries. Thus, from all this emerges a clear historical definition including from Illyrian times to the late middle Ages. Nevertheless, Šufflay’s work, which belongs to the field of albanalogy, remains as an incomparable source, as a reference point for all those who deals with the history of Albanian culture in general.
Milan Shuflajt.’s greatest work for Albanians, written in Latin, in collaboration with scholars Dr. Jireçek dhe Dr. Talosin, is, “Acta et diplomata res Albaniae mediae aetatis illustrantia” which in English means, “Acts and Diplomatic Affairs illustrating the Middle Ages in Albania”. In short, this work published two volume is known as “Acta Albaniae”. Since the beginning of the 20th century, together with Dr. Thaloczy-n and Dr. Jirecek-un, Milan Šufflay had designed and took the initiative to publish the corpus Acta Albaniae” which would contain several volumes. The first volume of this corpus was published in 1913 in Vienna, and the second volume in 1918 in Vienna. These two volumes show the history of many provinces of Albania, covering the period from 334 to 1406. Unfortunately, the work stagnated, because both of Šufflay’s collaborators died in the meantime. To continue this whole initiative, all the work that required vicissitudes and multifaceted commitment, remains to Milan Šufflay. All this work that required vicissitudes and multifaceted commitment remains to Šufflay to continue this whole initiative. This work was continued by him, in collecting documents, providing arguments and facts from the archives of Dalmatia, Italy, Austria, and Albania and beyond. Despite the commitment to this project accomplishment, engagement in several other projects, this initiative remained unfinished, because an assassination organized by the so-called “Bela ruka”, of the secret services of the time, carried out near his apartment in Zagreb, in February 1931, was fatal. Thus, the prominent Croatian scientist was violently deprived of his life, who throughout his (short) life worked for the historiography and culture of different peoples.
Šufflay’s and his co-authors scientific work related to Albanians, “Acta Albaniae”, was projected in 7 volumes. But, since he died at a relatively young age (after turning 50) the design of the work remains unfinished, only two of these expected books have been published. Nevertheless, these two volumes and the work done by him in collecting arguments, documents and other evidence, have tremendous value. Some of the materials and files collected and prepared for this work found in the archives of Vienna, Italy, and Archives of the Albania, and partly in that of Croatia, because after the assassination of Šufflay the police raided his house, overturned everything and took some parts from the collected materials. So they confiscated and damaged parts prepared for the third volume of “Acta Albaniae” that was being prepared for the next edition. This valuable Project remains the task of scientists in the respective fields to collect, organize and prepare these parts of his work for publication, as much as possible, approximately as designed and thought by Milan Šufflay.
Given the dimension and exceptional performance, we can say that even Milan Šufflay’s correspondence with others, especially with the authorities of science and culture, was certainly numerous, but in fact after his violent death, a part of his work was taken away, disappeared, or destroyed by the police services of the regime of that time. However, close to 1000 different correspondences are known, which are also specified by M. Ahmeti and E. Lala in a press release:
“In this very voluminous correspondence (we have more than 980 letters) dominates the issue of the study of the Albanian Middle Ages, but there are also other topics of various natures, be they of economics, political, social and even intimate letters” [8].
Most of these letters and correspondence are written in Latin, French, Italian, German, Hungarian and Creation. However, of these that are known, or have remained, are writings or correspondence of the time with prominent personalities and scholars of world education and culture such as: Shmiciklas, Jireçek, Taloc, Radoniq, with the director of the Eastern European Institute, the Minister of Education of Albania, Minister of Education of Hungary, etc. Among the mutual correspondences with Albanians, the ones between him and the Minister of Education Abdurrahman Dibra and the prominent intellectual Mit’hat Frashëri (Lumo Skëndo), are well known. The latter closely followed the publications of foreign authors on the history of Albanian culture. Many of the publications which would be found in his library in Tirana, which at the time was quite rich with books in many languages of the world. It is rumoured that there were letters, or letters of appreciation from Gjergj Fishta, but these data have not been documented to date, perhaps they may have been deliberately lost by the communist regime.
These letters contain Šufflay’s engagement and work in archival research, finding documents, collecting and multiple selection from reliable sources that would serve for the projected publication “Acta Albaniae”. Also from these correspondences we learn about the progress of the designed work, innovations, successes, but also about the many difficulties encountered during this voluminous work.
The Mithat Frashëri’s letter of 30 June 1929, which apparently was the first addressed to Šufflay, the content turns out that he wanted to be informed about the extent of the work on the publication of the following volumes of “Acta Albaniae” and what the content would be of this voluminous corpus. Albanalogist Šufflay’s response was immediate. He explained the project and generally about the content of each of these parts, which would reach several volumes. They would include the sources collected mainly in the archives of Venice, the Vatican and Dubrovnik, which would date back to 1451 and extent until 1571. In volume 3 would be published “Cadastre of Shkodra of 1416”. Along with this will be copies of documents provided by the archives of Barcelona and Milan that shed light on Skënderbeg’s relations with Sultan Muhammed II (the author proves that these copies he had lent to Radoniq, which the latter never returned, but always, according to Šufflay, perhaps even made deliberate changes and speculations).
After this correspondence, Mit’hat Frashëri had informed the Minister of Education Dibra, about the important Project of Šufflay, as he was aware of the great work of the well-known Albanalogist and Balkanologist, of the importance of work for Albanian historiography, and had also informed King Zog in detail. Then the King congratulated the prominent scientist for the great interest, contribution and commitment to the Albanian history and culture, the valuable work and encouraged him for the continuation of this project. Therefore, for the realization of this Project his royal government had allocated the amount of 75.000 gold francs for the collection of archival documents and for the realization of publication of this volume.
In the context of the progress of the work for the realization of this project, there is another very interesting correspondence (telegram) of Milan Šufflay, addressed to the government of King Zog, respectively the Minister of Education:
Mr. Minister of Education,
Tirana, Zagreb, December 17, 1930
Gunduliqeva 25
Your letter of 30 November no. 4225/11 arrived at my address on 15 December. Many thanks to the Albanian government, attached you will receive the receipt of the amount of 3000 Swiss francs, received in check (No. B. 002529) from the Bank of Basel in Zurich. Although I did not expect this receipt that was written on December 16, when I was invited to the police to verbally inform me that the Belgrade government had given me permission to come to Albania. So, in a little while I hope I will get the passport. Though at the beginning of January, I think I will go to Ragusa to orient myself first about the current working conditions in the archives. After a short stay in Ragusa I will leave for Tirana, announcing exactly when I will arrive. For many reasons I will not get the visa of the Albanian Legation in Belgrade. Of course, I also asked for a passport for Italy, but Belgrade leaves this request in silence. The police told me that this issue could be settled with the Minister of Belgrade in Tirana. Not being sure that I would be able to go to Rome and suspecting the Albanian government approves my proposals regarding the Italian archives and if it is willing to pay the fee for the Italian copyists, I will send it shortly to Mr. Amedeo Gianini, director of the institute for Eastern for Europe, list of documents to be copied in Rome, Naples, Ancona and Barcelona. I will bring a copy of those lists with me to Tirana. Please, your Excellency, accept my highest consideration” [13].
Milan Šufflay
In this regard, another letter that Šufflay sent to Giannini, the directore of the Eastern European Institute, contains mainly the work instructions for the realization of this Project. Enthusiastically, Šufflay informs him about obtaining a visa and making a trip to Albania, after two years of application. Also, in this letter, he demanded that Giannini, as his collaborator and friend, start immediately in the realization of this project by selecting the copyists of documents in Rome, Venice, Naples and Ancona. He was notified that all expenses would be borne by the Albanian government, and initially 3000 gold francs were poured into the Swiss bank. He also tells his friend about the contacts with Minister Dibra with his associates and the dinner at the hotel “Tirana”, which made him an extraordinary impression [12].
Šufflay’s Visit to Albania
King Zog was informed in detail about the work of Šufflay, in general about the work related to history of Balkans and other European peoples, and especially with the history of Albania. Therefore, taking his personality into consideration, he gladly invited him to visit Albania, the Royal Court, and the Albanian Parliament and wherever he wanted and where he was interested.
Šufflay arrived in Tirana in January 1931, where he stayed for several days. On this occasion he was busy with the activities in the institutions of that time, visiting various places of interest for Albanian history and culture such as castles, churches, monasteries, cemeteries, etc. Whereas, as the most interesting event in this visit was the appearance in the Albanian Parliament of that time and his speech held in this session organized in his honour. The occasional speech was without text, directly addressing the audience with greetings in Albanian, Hungarian, but most of the time this occasional speech, or which can also be called academic lecture was held in Albanian. This presentation of Šufflay made so much impression that it was interrupted several times by frequent and longa applause. Among other things, he presented the convincing arguments for the origin of the Albanians in this Parliament, as well as for the work that should be done in the future to strengthen this thesis.
He left Albania with an extraordinary impression of hospitality and more motivated for further research in the realization of his designed work, which would further enrich and deepen Albanalogical and Balkanological studies. Immediately after returning from Albania, he continued to work hard for the third part of “Acta Albaniae”. Unfortunately, violent death at a relatively young age interrupted his activity before the age of 52, so the work remained unfinished. His death had many consequences in general science, and Albanology lost one of its most devoted connoisseurs and supporters at the time.
Šufflay’s death caused by a criminal assassination, was echoed everywhere. Despite efforts to conceal the truth, the horrifying news spread throughout the world, and reactions were numerous, and appeared in various forms. They reacted with their articles “Tribuna”, Rome, “Berliner Tagblat”, “New York Times”, “Frankfurter Zeitung”, “Arbënia” Tirana, “Vullneti i Popullit”, Tirana etc. Authorities of science, culture and politics also reacted, such as Albert Einstein, Heinrich Mann, dr. Josef Bajza, dr. Max Hildebert Boehm, dr. Karl Fritzler, dr. Zenon Kuziela, dr. Martin Spahn, dr. Branimir Jeliq, Josip Milkoviq, Mithat Frashëri (Lumo Skëndo), Faik Konica, Gjergj Fishta etc.
Evaluation of figure of Milan Šufflay and his work
The evaluation of the contribution of Milan Šufflay and his work for the history of Albanians can be said that it has not been fulfilled enough. Virtually, this merit of this personality has been appreciated and honoured to the highest degree only in his lifetime, in the time of Zog. Subsequently, in the period of communism and the regime of Enver Hoxha, contribution of Šufflay and his work were known very little and only by certain circles. Therefore, it has not been treated properly and perhaps deliberately left in oblivion. Meanwhile, after the advent of democracy from ‘90, of the last century onwards, we have another interest in approach, recognition or better say a re-acquaintance with the work of Šufflay, which nevertheless results in a more serious and comprehensive interest.
Ismail Kadare
I. Kadare is the most prominent writer of contemporary Albanian literature, whose literary work includes the time span from ancient times to the present day. His literary work thus expresses multifaceted information, which reflects his broad culture and abundant information concerning the history and destiny of peoples over the centuries. He has obtained some of the knowledge and information about Albanian historiography from Šufflay’s work.
He is one of the first connoisseurs, evaluators, reminders, or even the first announcers to resonate in our environments. Knowing the work of Šufflay and referring to it, and in advance the scientific theses of the German philosopher Leibnez on the origin of Albanians, in his review entitled “European Identity of Albanians”, among other things he emphases:
“The Albanian population is white, just like the rest of the European continent. Like the language, it is called in the most favourable case, the descendant of the Illyrians, while in the most unfavourable, of the Thracian-Illyrians. The history of Albania until the Ottoman occupation is part of the European chronicle, like the whole peninsula. At least three of its main towns with uninterrupted life, Durrës, Shkodra and Berat, are about the same age as Rome. Economic and military ties, regulatory laws (statutes) of cities, roads and seaports are of the same nature as those of continent. Greco-Illyrian-Roman archaeological traces, theatres and amphitheatres are also found everywhere. According to the monumental work of Milan Šufflay, the history of the Albanian Middle Ages is given in a complete picture with principalities, chieftains, alliances, intermarriages, and of course the unparalleled quarrels, whose tradition has arrived unscathed until today. The similarity with the European mosaic of the time has been found by scholars, such as Ernest Koliqi and others, as one of the reasons why Dante Alighieri was so popular in Albania” [2, PP. 498].
This approach and appreciation of Šufflay’s contribution to Albanians, emerges as another appreciation for the merit and dedication to the greatest Albanian writer. Kadare knows how to evaluate and competently emphasize the contributions of others for the historiography and culture of Albania, starting from the German philosopher G. Leibnic, to M. Šufflay, Stipcevic etc.
Also other serious evaluations and expressions of gratitude come from academic circles, from scholars of various fields, or other Albanian writers. One of the evaluators for M. Šufflay, and his work, for the first acquaintance with this author and his contribution to the Albanian historiography and culture, is emphasized in the answer of an interview of the writer and researcher, academic Shaban Sinani:
Shaban Sinani
“I have written very little about Šufflay and in gjeneral Albanian science has written little about him. Among the first to remember for the Šufflay name and work is Ismail Kadare. In one of his works the author of “Acta et diplomata” is a literary character. “Kadare’s literature, r-read in sync with the sources collected by Šufflay, is not only to be non- legendary, but almost a parallel reality” [4, P. 238].
Nevertheless, Šufflay’s work dedicated to Albanians is emphasized with a series of monographic works, very important, such as “Albania in antiquity”, “Statutes of medieval Albanian cities”, “On some Albanian cities in the middle Ages”, “Albanians and Croats”, “Serbs and Albanians” and other unknown and unpublished works for us. The following expresses about the undisputed values, the contribution of Šufflay and the importance of his for Albanian history:
“If we would like to recognize this deep dimension of the independence of our country, (he liked to sign) he is the most important sourceologist in Albanian history. In his archives he has listed the events, developments and protagonists of this world. Everything that has sparkled in the fate of this people, for a thousand years, from 334 to the middle of the century 15the” [4, P. 231].
Therefore, if we refer to these data as well as other resources, it turn sot that Šufflay’s contribution to Albanian historiography is surprising and extraordinary. In addition to the works he wrote and published, the preparation of many hypotheses and theses, he left in his archive many materials. Arguments and facts collected and systematized, which are of great interest, and which can be used by different scholars over time. Academician Shaban Sinani would best illustrate this, in one of his writings with a meaningful title, “As an academy for Albania” where, among other things, he emphises:
“Long ago Šufflay has solved almost fictitious discussions, which continue to this day, such as the relationship of the Arberian world with the European Renaissance. I would like to mention, for the readers of “Balkan”, only one fact. Recently, the Italian scholar Lucia Nadin and the well-known Albanian medievalist Pëllumb Xhufi published in Albanian and in the original “Statute of Shkodra”, whose manuscript belongs to the Šufflay archive. This initiative that has deserved the welcome of Albanian culture. However, in the Šufflay archives there is not only the “Statute of Shkodra”. Almost a century earlier, the historic city of Danja, as early as 1316, had its own statute with over 500 articles, one of the most complete statutes of the entire European space where the storm of humanism had blown. Statute – basic acts of civil law, as evidenced by the Šufflay fund, also had Durres, Drisht and Ulcinj. It seems that these sources, which have been silent for almost a century in the archives, will make it obligatory for Albanian science to change several priorities: for example, to share with canons, products of agrarian law and to deal with statutes, products of civil law, in the presence of the climate of the European Renaissance. This will also affect the ethno psychological situation of Albanians, so as not to humbly look at the old continent, because there were times when the face of Europe was modelled precisely on developments and trends of our world” [4, P. 232].
Relying on this passage and the thesis of this study, it appears that Šufflay continued work in Albanian history until his assassination. Belonging to the Austro-German school of Albanology, he wrote history (as much as life enabled him) with much objectivity, continuing the tradition of Croation Albanologists. Some of his works and scientific studies have been published in German or Hungarian such as: “Acta Albaniae”, “Biology of the Albanian tribe”, “Kadastre of Shkodra”, “Albanian cities and castles in Middle Ages”, “The state of churches in pre-Ottoman Albania” and others that are in Croation, such as, “History of Northern Albania” and “Serbs and ALbanians”.
Aleks Buda
When the first Albanian Encyclopaedic Dictionary was compiled in 1985, the President of the Albanian Academy of Sciences at that time, Professor Aleks Buda has compiled contribution parts for Milan Šufflay. On this occasion, he emphasizes “that very little has been done to remember and place in the first line of national memory this great Balkan scientist and benevolent of the friendship of the peoples of the peninsula, a little more martyr of love for Albania”.
The evaluation of academician Buda is fair and deserving, just as Šufflay himself was dedicated to the old Albanian history and culture in this case. In the context of his work, Buda evaluates and gives other statements of this nature:
“The richness of the source material stands out in the works of Milan Šufflay. He considers The History of Albanians mainly the history of a distinct ethno cultural identity, with ancient autochthonous roots and always constant, with great regenerative ability, and that for Šufflay represents the authentic essence of the history of the Balkans” [1].
No doubts these assessments and considerations of the academic level come from deep scientific knowledge in the context of Šufflay’s work. Therefore, these evaluations are argumentative, consistent and verifiable, sincere and completely on a scientific basis.
Pëllumb Xhufi
The eminent historian whose field of study is mainly of ancient times and the medieval period Prof. Pëllumb Xhufi called the Croatian scientist Milan Šufflay “as the great emancipator of the history of Albania and the Albanians”. He also wrote about his work that: “IV-XI centuries, the dark centuries of social and ethnic upheavals elsewhere in the Balkans, for the territories of Southern Illyria were for Šufflay the centuries of a titanic battle for survival of the old Illyrian seed.” Professor Xhufi then insists on the accuracy and courage of the author, emphasizing that: “the rescue intervention, full of authority and competence, but also Šufflay’s courage in the debate on the country and the role of Albanians, made the foundation stone of theses removed … with a clear political and anti-Albanian background, which until then had contaminated albanalogical studies. That is why no one had forgiven him such courage.”
Jahja Drançolli
Among those who have approached and studied and evaluated the work of Milan Šufflay, is the historian of the medieval period, Professor Jahja Drançolli, who in dealing with the extraordinary ability in the scientific approach and interpretation of some issues or these given in Šufflay’s work finds that:
“Finally, the great scientific and humanitarian power, on the one hand, and the persecution and state pressure of the royal Yugoslavia, on the other hand, made Šufflay often express the historical truth indirectly through allusions, such as was the case of presenting his views not only in the essay published in the newspaper “Hrvat”, dated September 3,1928, where he alluded to the Albanian state formation outside Albania politics, respectively in the territory of Kosovo...are excellent messages of Šufflay that Albanians have lived throughout history where they live today” [14].
Moikom Zeqo
In the view of scholars and approaches to Šufflay’s work, there is also a prominent scholar Moikom Zeqo, who in this context makes a critical assessments of the approach, style, intuitions, analysis, synthesis, conception, etc. He considers his contribution as incomparable for the Albanian historiography, since the old history and especially that of the medieval period.
“For Albanians he will remain a prince of Albanalogy, especially as the greatest medievalist and most professional.”
We still do not know exactly how the idea came to him for the endless interest and accuracy for Albanians.
He, like no other, defined and formulated a high, cultural, titular status of the Albanian Middle Ages, even at the European level. His studies were endless. He stands out for an amazing synthetic style. He is the knight of syntheses, in all trials of history he has an inner dialectic, in this way he stands conceptually above all contemporaries. In many respects it is Insurmountable even today.
His scientific method is comprehensive, multidisciplinary. His works have made an era. Especially the study masterpiece “Serbs and Albanians”.
In the history of northern Albania, a material has been collected about Šufflay, a substance that has first-hand importance from the point of view of the general history of mankind. This is related to the high culture referred to as the Adriatic culture, with Indo-European. He has wonderfully understood the Illyrian-Albanian traditions, intertwined with the high rhetoric of Western and Eastern cultures, Roman – Anjouan – Venetian – Italian, with Greek-Byzantine cultures, Slavic, Ottoman cultures etc., but not to disintegrate and alienate ethnic individuality of the Albanian nation, but to sculpt it. Šufflay has proved that the culture of Medieval Albania is a reflective, urban culture, that the cultural, political and economic level of Albania until the Ottoman conquest, after Skanderbeg’s death was in the same parameters as in Italy and other parts of Western Europe.
Above all, Šufflay has a great admiration for Durrës as a capital of cultures, distinct even in the Mediterranean area. He says that Durrës in the Middle Ages was the most splendid city, which can be called the Adriatic garden, where the type of Dalmatian and South Italian city is reflected in the Illyrian-Albanian face as well as in the Byzantine one” [10].
New facts are learned from the essential selections of the many values of Šufflay’s work and from these brilliant assessments of a high academic rank. He possessed extraordinary features and talents in research, study and creation. He committed himself and did more for the history of other countries than for the history of his own country. Perhaps, all this does not fulfil his contribution with the volume of works he did for Albanians.
His work quite wide and diverse, so that it can be to the work of an institution. All his works belong to a modern spirit that conforms to the art and methodology of the European school. His principled, objective and fair orientation reflects features in all his works. The whole corpus of his works highlighted here, belongs to the German school of Albanology. The working methodology is selective as well as argumentative and brings facts for a permanently sustainable work.
Including the volume of numerous works for Albanians, scientific works or literary works of Šufflay, which would follow after two published volumes of “Acta Albaniae”, his valuable work will fill the gap and will illuminate the period extensive history and culture of ancient people. Each work separately brings something previously unknown, undiscovered, hidden with or without intent. For the values and multiple importance of the two published works, from the design of several volumes of “Acta Albaniae”, Sh. Sinani would emphasize: “The republication of the first two volumes was a great service to Albanology as a whole, ethnology, history, patronymic, civil law, ecclesiastical law, linguistics, literature, palaeography, archives, and sourceology” [5, P. 219].
Thus, from the observations that can be made in this context, about his work, the selection of all scholars, scientists, writers and historians Albanian, selection would be very difficult, perhaps impossible. Fortunately, finally, from this overview, it can be said that Šufflay;s work is in the focus of appropriate and meritorious interests and evaluations. As Milan Šufflay is deserving and extraordinary for the Albanian history and culture.
Список литературы
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