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Таблица 1 - Сравнение особенностей русскоязычного и англоязычного научного дискурса

Языковые особенности

Русифицизмы в английском языке

Английский научный текст без русифицизмов

Грамматический уровень

Позитивная установка в английском языке


the school curriculum does not allow them to comprehend

the school curriculum can hardly allow them to comprehend

Абстрактные существительные в русском языке

Отглагольные существительные

the formation of phonetic skills

the ways how to form phonetic skills

Вероятностная оценка

effectiveness of the use


efficient use

Описание увеличения / уменьшения

contribute to increase the level of motivation


contribute to increasing / higher motivation


Безличные предложения в русском языке

it is essential to study intercultural communication


intercultural communication should be studied / needs investigation

Пассивные конструкции в русском языке


In addition, the list of useful activities was provided.


In addition, the study provides a list of useful activities

Парные конструкции в английском языке



Attention Span and Cognitive Abilities

Короткие предложения в английском языке

Modern trends in digitalization in all spheres of public life, including education and self-education, suggest that the popularity of educational mobile applications among students and teachers will grow and mobile applications will be technologically and methodologically improved.


Digitalization tends to spread in all spheres of public life.


This process includes education and self-education as well.


Researchers predict educational mobile applications to gain their popularity among students and teachers.


Moreover, mobile applications will be technologically and methodologically improved.

Лексический уровень

Фразовые глаголы в английском языке


teaching activities carried out in this course

Атрибутивные цепочки в английском языке

competences that are influenced by a foreign language

foreign-language-influenced competences

Аллитерация и консонанс в английском языке


On How to Form Sociocultural Competence in Secondary School Students