Научная статья
Выпуск: № 1 (5), 2016


Статья посвящена важности оптимального выбора методов стимулирования и мотивации к обучению. В современных условиях очень важно, чтобы учитель не давал ученикам готовых знаний, а указывал путь к приобретению знаний, учил добывать знания. Это требует от словесника выбора эффективных форм работы с текстами разных типов и стилей речи, аудирования, говорения. В связи с этим особого внимания требуют уроки развития речи. Существует специальная группа методов стимулирования развития коммуникативной компетенции. Среди них и метод дискуссий, который все чаще используется на занятиях по русскому языку.

The method of discussion as a method of problem-based learning is increasingly being used in the classroom for Russian as a foreign language, including the professionally-oriented training, mainly because it allows you to seamlessly integrate students' knowledge from different fields when solving a problem, It makes it possible to apply the language knowledge and skills in practice. Teaching Russian as a whole, which includes a variety of types of speech and mental activity promotes the formation of a student's ability to think clearly, critically perceive the information to allocate it the main idea, and finding tools and arguments for its confirmation and substantiation, and therefore improves any theoretical understanding of the material. The development of norms of good verbal communication, rules of debate contributes to the formation of critical thinking and responsible attitude to the speech, which is one of the most important requirements for modern specialist.

When using discussions in educational practice of universities, particularly at training to Russian, it is necessary to take into account the specificity of the method. Discussion on employment on Russian as part of the training course is different from the discussions taking place in real life, such as politics, science, social life, particularly your goals. There is not so much important to find a solution to a problem, how to get certain skills, experience, and apply the fix already existing knowledge and skills in the course of the discussion, that is a discussion activity performs the function of teaching. The second function, develop, associated with the stimulation of creative activity of students, with the development of their logic skills, ability to think independently, to argue and to prove his point of view, as well as the formation of a common culture of speech, cultural debates and polemical skill. The third function, educational, is the formation of social competence of students.

A group organization of students work promotes interpersonal relationships, developing cooperation in the educational microsocium: solving problem tasks are usually performed in a group of small and medium size. During the discussion, they learn to interact with each other, find common ground, to come to an agreement on some issues, develop a common strategy and tactics, and sometimes give way to compromise. Extremely important skill, form in the lesson-discussion is the ability to listen to your opponent, respect and understand his views or at least try to understand the arguments of the other side. Without the ability to listen to any ability and knowledge, sharpness of mind and quick reflexes will not help. This is just a skill that we often do not have in life, that’s why many conflicts occur between people. In this respect, the educational value of the discussion can not be overestimated.

Another one feature discussion sessions are conditional situation, which generally tend to learn Russian as a foreign language apart from the language environment. Learning Objectives certain specify the conditions under which the discussion takes place, and that will inevitably have an element of artificiality, as no methods and technical means do not provide the ability to create a real language environment. In educational terms possible immersion in the language only in specially selected and methodically organized linguistic material. The selection is carried out taking into account the recent difficulties in the assimilation of this material and its importance for communication. Therefore, using the debate in the educational process, particularly important preparatory stage. Without prejudice to the second phase - the actual debate, which is the culmination of a class - should be given enough time preparing the discussion, carefully thought out and the roles of participants, the sequence of speeches and, of course, the language of the sessions: must be previously worked relevant material, researched and secured the necessary lexical units and grammatical structures. This does not mean that the responsibility lies with the teacher and students are deprived of freedom of choice and creativity. The teacher can only set the direction of the discussion, identify the issues the discussion, describe the interesting problem situations, and the rest work in search, selection, analysis of information falls on the shoulders of students. They can actively participate in the selection of topics, formulating problems, certain stages of discussions, the regulations, and summarizing others.

The task of the teacher is to create a situation of providing student freedom and responsibility at the same time in the selection and decision-making autonomy and independence of action. At the same time, the linguistic side of the debate should be carefully thought out and provide teachers. This linguistic aspect distinguishes the debate on the lessons of the Russian language from the discussion sessions in their native language, where speakers allow relatively few grammatical errors, and most of the students, even those who themselves admit grammatical errors, do not miss an opportunity to mention the most obvious mistakes in the language of your opponent. Mistakes made by native speakers, cut the ear and cause at best smile.

In discussions as a form of academic classes in Russian language mistakes are inevitable and do not cause such a reaction, because all participants are in a more or less equal footing, because the language of the discussion is not their native language. Mistakes are part of the learning process, but to correct them must be as productive and useful. This raises the question: how to respond to errors? In a typical session errors are corrected one way or another teacher. During the discussion, the teacher's role is different: as a rule, he does not enter into a direct dialogue with the students, and more than watching and if possible, directs discussions. The intervention itself in the discussion with a view to correct this or that mistake inevitably will result in the failure, reduce the rate of speeches and debated distracts from the essence of the problem. Besides, as you know, some students out of fear of making a mistake would prefer to remain silent and not to participate in the general debate. At the same time, it does not respond to errors, especially in those which lead to an incorrect understanding expression and thus disturb communication. Teacher acting as a master or a panelist may use the following methods: 1) fix the errors in the course of the debate and postpone their analysis and correction of the final stage, which are summed up by highlighting as a separate evaluation criterion debate grammatical and lexical correctness performances; 2) to correct mistakes once in a part of the discussion in the form of questions and clarifications and grammatically correct repetition of the participants said the discussions.

Another one difficult moment in the debate for the students is the need to remain all time as part of the Russian language, without going into the native language, as in the heat of debate, on the one hand, it's hard to control myself, but on the other hand, want to make more than allow it known language tools. Nevertheless the task to communicate only in Russian should be placed before the start of the discussion and, if possible in the course of the discussion. To remove a teacher controlling function, you can enter into a discussion as additional functions, which will be distributed among the participants and contain some of the game elements: to prepare the pre-colored cards that can be used as a penalty for the use of the Russian language; write labels or posters, forbidden to speak their native language, use sound signals, and etc. To perform these functions, it is advisable to introduce the role of an observer who can perform at that voluntarily any of the students, who are not confident in their abilities and afraid to speak out in the presence of stronger students. Of course, these roles (leader, secretary, etc.) Should be shared and alternated with the account of the opportunities and wishes of the students, so that all feel involved in the overall process, and can be proud of its contribution to the debate. The value in this case is not only achieved the target, but also the way to this goal.

Summing up, I would like to mention some of the benefits of discussion in Russian language in comparison with the debate in their own language: self learning Russian disciplines, organizes, promotes the development of logical thinking, enhances self-control. The latter is very important since, as opposed to communicating in their native language, when we say relatively free, long-winded and succumbing to emotions, we can be distracted from the topic, the dialogue in Russian as part of the learning process requires self-control, the need to build phrases in accordance with clear rules. The limited vocabulary may be, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, also play a positive role, because the speaker does not have to expend extra effort to find a synonym or some vivid figure of speech, at his disposal is a specific set of linguistic resources that need to be updated in the desired time. Understand each other panelists in Russian can sometimes even better than when communicating in their native language because they focus on communication and tend to listen to their opponents in order to adequately respond to their statements. In the native language, if there is no such facility, the opponents do not listen and do not hear each other. To understand a person speaking in Russian, it is necessary to learn the language.

To understand his companion, fellow, you just have to learn to listen and try to understand the essence of what has been said by the other party. In this sense, the debate in any language is a universal means of interpersonal communication training.

Thus, the discussion method not only allows you to bring the culture of speech, but also encourages students to seek self-help, resulting in a culture of creative thinking. Use of discussion in teaching Russian as a foreign language in conjunction with other methods of problem contributes to the formation of intercultural communication that daѐt to prepare professionals ready for an open and constructive dialogue with the representatives of other cultures.

Список литературы

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