Научная статья
Выпуск: № 8 (44), 2023


Статья посвящена мифам как относительно устойчивой форме существования транспортного рекламного дискурса. Анализируется миф в целом, эффективностью воздействия которого является условная достоверность и верифицированность. В данной статье был проведен анализ эффективных методов создания мифа транспортных номинаций, который основывается на доминировании экспрессивно-эмоционального компонента. Под транспортным рекламным мифом понимаются стереотипы, которые не подвергаются критическому восприятию обществом. Транспортный рекламный миф служит для создания иллюзорной картины действительности, которая раскрывает реальность в выгодном для интерпретаторов (идеологов товара) свете. Актуальность данного исследования обоснована повышенным интересом к транспортному рекламному дискурсу и возможностям его моделирования.

1. Introduction

Recently, the concept “Discourse” has been actively used in various studies of science. But the attitude is not so unambiguous to the discourse studying in linguistics. It is rather a reference to the communicative function of linguistic expressions, to the area of language itself which is used in the information and meaning transmitting from one of its carriers to another


The myth is a relatively stable form of the discourse. In essence, we have exactly the same discursive technique as in the text of the conversation, when a series of allegories dependent on the main phrase of the mythology.

Myths are effective means of influencing mass consciousness. Mythological communication is very interesting for advertising and public relations because it acts at a level which can be weakly refuted by mass consciousness. On the other hand, it is like repeating a message which is already encoded in the depths of memory; therefore, it does not require additional information processing


The creation of myth is based on the phenomenon of symbol fetishization. The phenomenon of symbol fetishization is revealed by P. Sorokin. He says: "An object has been operating for a long time, and it is identified with a carrier of a certain meaning, norm or value in the minds of interactive subjects to such an extent that it tends to become a self-sufficient value... It often transforms into a fetish. It means loved or respected, inspiring fear or hatred itself. Fetishization cases of symbolic guides can be observed both among primitive and among civilized people in all spheres of public life at each stage of development. The only difference is in fetishized objects. An Australian fetishizes a block of wood; a true believer fetishizes an icon or the name of a saint; a monarchist fetishizes a portrait of his leader; a communist fetishizes Lenin or Stalin portraits"


Researchers determine the main components of the myth: the uncritical nature of the mythological consciousness, the vision of reality and the interpretation of facts which do not require analysis and evidence. Myth reduces complex reality to a simplified picture. “Let's call the names of numerous enemies, and we will see how a man breathes freely”


A feature of the effectiveness of the myth impact is the given truth, verification. The mythological unit is not checked. There is a dominance of the expressive-emotional component in myth.

The relevance of the following research is defended the increased interest in transport advertising processes and its modeling abilities.

2. Research methods and principles

The methodological basis of the work is fundamental philosophical concept research of the relationship between language and culture, cognitive linguistics, communicative aspects of human interaction in transport environment. Research methods are

1) a descriptive method,

2) a comparative analysis,

3) a method of cultural background interpretation;

4) an associative analysis method.

3. Main results

The image embedded in the mythology does not coincide with reality in axiological terms. Since it is embellished and idealized in the idyll myth, it is exaggerated and emphasizes the negative in the nightmare myth.

The same mythology denoting the same referent can be perceived differently by social groups due to their axiological orientation, for example, the results of privatization receive a different interpretation in power and opposition discourse in our country. Such duality is characteristic of group myths expressing the axiological orientation of certain political groups.

Mythologists (precedent texts, precedent statements, case names) are characterized by national specificity in the linguocultural aspect.

Mythologies-realities and mythologies-internationalisms are distinguished by the degree of manifestation of national specificity.

For example,


"I love Uzbeks, they start well!"


"Strong cars for a strong Russia".

4. Discussion

In our opinion, this is the significance of this problem and these approaches at present: both language and mythology are representative forms of the language consciousness structures, and their evolution is determined by the language consciousness evolution. Thus, we believe that transport nominations are related to the ingrained character of a symbol and a myth in the sphere of the unconscious.

5. Conclusion

Thus, mythologems are a form of expression of linguistic consciousness. Transport mythologies are characterized by such features as axiological orientation, emotive charge, denotate uncertainty. Myths influence the mass addressee and correspond to the system-forming signs of transport discourse and discourse in general (who, whom, where, how, what purpose). Transport myth affects the mind of the addressee in order to induce certain actions and to carry out joint activities.

Besides, the process of myth deploying is contained in the associative chain of a vehicle or transport service; and the associative itself is an analogue of keywords of potential texts.

On the other hand, various extralinguistic factors (transport, economic, legal, etc.) cause the need to create individualizing names for transport objects, a certain "transport myth."

The linguistic and cultural aspects of transport nominations is the determination of the conditionality of the transport naming using by general cultural, situational and individual norms of communicative behavior, and identification of the people mythological representations, national-cultural semantics, individual information. It means the research of transport nominations which reflect national forms of existence based on the cultural values of a specific historical language community.

For example,

• Lada cars are the Old Russian deity of love,

• Mazda cars are the Zoroastrian supreme deity of light,

• Apostol Andrew yacht,

• Ilya Muromets plane, etc.

In our opinion, this is the significance of this problem and these approaches at present: both language and mythology are representative forms of the language consciousness structures, and their evolution is determined by the language consciousness evolution. Thus, we believe that transport nominations are related to the ingrained character of a symbol and a myth in the sphere of the unconscious.

This, in our opinion, is the significance of this problem and these approaches to it at the present time: both language and mythology are forms of representation of the structures of linguistic consciousness, and their evolution is determined by its evolution. Thus, we believe that transport nominations are associated with the rooting of the language and myth in the sphere of the unconscious.

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