Research article
Issue: № 4 (40), 2023


This article analyzes the issue of the use of hedging markers in scientific articles on economics, written in Russian and Turkish, in terms of the cooperative principle of G. P. Grice, as well as the Neo-Gricean principles formulated on its basis. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of the use of hedging markers, which implement these principles, by Russian-speaking and Turkish authors. Their interrelation with such hedging functions as building an implicit dialogue with the reader, reducing the categoricity of scientific propositions, achieving a high degree of accuracy of the scientific text, as well as contributing to the construction of an argumentative strategy by the researcher within the framework of the design of the results of scientific work is noted.

1. Introduction

Currently, there is a tendency of accelerating of the transformation of the conceptual understanding of the text of a scientific article on economics, during which not only the transfer of factual information in the article is essential, but also the building of implicit communication between the author and the recipient, for which hedging serves as effective tool

. By means of hedging, the text of the scientific article explicates its rhetorical orientation, the author's intention to convince a reader, to build the strategy of effective argumentation, which is an important factor, since such communicative-pragmatic and socio-cultural parameters as processing in accordance with the conventional textotype, purposefulness and pragmatic attitude, which according to A. I. Milostivaya, are the characteristics of any text
, are also essential for the text of a scientific article. At the same time, it is important to note that the principle of anthropocentrism, which determines the style of thinking in humanitarian science in recent years, assigns a special role to cognitive and communicative aspects of verbal interpersonal interaction

The studies of K. Hyland are devoted to the multidimensional phenomenon of hedging. The researcher establishes the essence of this phenomenon and its implementation in a scientific text: he analyses such functions of hedging in scientific discourse as reducing the categoricity of judgments, removing responsibility for the propositions put forward by the author, building a model of effective argumentation, making new relevant information

. The phenomenon of hedging in a scientific article is closely related to the concept of the linguistic principle of politeness, covered in line with the cooperative principle of G. P. Grice
, and the Neo-Gricean principles
, which generally mediate the hedging as an integral component of scientific discourse.

2. Research methods and principles

The purpose of this study is to determine the specifics of the use of hedging funds in scientific articles on economics written in Russian and Turkish. In the course of the study, the following methods were used: the method of hermeneutical interpretation of hedging markers, the method of contextual analysis, component analysis, as well as a descriptive method that includes observation, generalization, interpretation and classification of language units.

3. Main results

The use of hedging in scientific articles is related to the principles of communication, as it implies the establishment of an implicit dialogue with the recipient. In this regard, it is important to mention the unified cooperative principle described by researcher G. P. Grice. Within this principle he identifies the maxims of quantity, quality, relation and manner


Subsequently, the concept put forward by Grice is transformed. It is supplemented in the articles of L. Horn and S. Levinson, whose ideas form the Neo-Gricean principles. L. Horn actualizes two principles: the principle of quantity (Q-principle), the main essence of which is the need to transmit information in sufficient quantity, which also implies a focus on the accuracy of the statement, and the relation principle (R-principle), expressing the intention for the brevity of the presentation and the value of the material being presented


Levinson puts forward the maxims of quantity, informativeness and mode of action («Q-principle, I-principle, M-principle»)

. The maxim of the mode of action correlates with the principles of politeness functioning in scientific discourse, which is conditioned by the requirement for a clear presentation of information and its correspondence to the communicative situation. Within the framework of scientific economic articles written in both Russian and Turkish, these principles are implemented through hedging means, for example:

Принимаемые допущения носят вынужденный характер, поскольку исследования, подобные нашему, предполагают точечные оценки случайных показателей (на уровне их математических ожиданий)

. ‒ The assumptions made are forced, since studies like ours assume point estimates of random indicators (at the level of their mathematical expectations) (hereinafter, the translation is made by the author of the article ‒ Svetaylov B.V.). The hedges допущения and предполагают, which are used in this example, serve to justify the assumptions introduced by the author. Thus, it is possible to achieve greater accuracy and provide information that a number of provisions are of an assumed nature due to the peculiarities of the subject of the study. Due to it, we can talk about the implementation of maxims of informativeness and mode of action with the help of these hedges.

Yine aynı sene, dünya limanlarında ise elleçlenen toplam konteyner sayısı yaklaşık 800 milyon TEU’luk bir hacme ulaşmaktadır

. ‒ In the same year, the total number of containers handled at ports reached a volume of about 800 million twenty-foot containers. In this example, by using the adverb yaklaşık, the author introduces an approximate estimate of the number of containers handled, which is due to the inability to provide more accurate data. Due to this, it is possible to achieve greater accuracy of utterance.

In addition, the above examples allow us to talk about the relationship between these maxims and the principle of politeness, which, according to researcher M. M. Marta, «allow the author to save face and make his statement less categorical»

. Thus, the researcher has the opportunity not only to introduce propositions with insufficiently reliable data which is necessary in the framework of the study, but also to formalize them correctly from the point of view of the requirements of scientific discourse.

Also, Neo-Gricean principles are implemented through hedging tools within the framework of establishing an implicit dialogue within a scientific text, which is also due to the bilateral nature of the above principles, which consist in «basing on the intention of both the addressee and the recipient»

. Here are some examples:

Возможно, имеет смысл включить ограничения по действию иностранных компаний в тех видах страхования, где национальные компании являются наиболее уязвимыми к конкуренции

.It may make sense to include restrictions on the actions of foreign companies in those types of insurance where domestic companies are most vulnerable to competition. In this example, the use of hedges возможно и имеет смысл is the part of the process of deploying the author's thoughts and formalizing his arguments. At the same time, these hedges also involve the recipient in the argumentation process, since the researcher implicitly addresses the reader and explains that, in his opinion, the introduction of the restrictions described by him is appropriate.

Genel bir ifade ile liman rekabeti, limanların rekabetçi üstünlüklerine göre birbirleri ile rekabet etmesi olarak düşünülebilir

. ‒ In general terms, the competition of ports can be considered as a rivalry between them in accordance with their competitive advantages. In this example, the hedging functions are performed by the introductory phrase genel bir ifade ile and the verb düşünülebilir, in which the presumptive nature of the utterance is expressed by the affix -ebil. In this case, the researcher informs the reader that the information presented by him has been generalized to a certain extent, and also that the opinion put forward by him is one of the most likely, but not the only true one. Thus, these examples demonstrate the relationship between hedging and the implementation of implicit dialogue with the reader, which is an integral element in the implementation of the Neo-Gricean principles in a scientific text.

4. Conclusion

Thus, the use of hedging funds in a scientific article on economics by both Russian-speaking and Turkish authors is of key importance from a pragmalinguistic perspective, since through these means the following goals are pursued by the author: reducing the categoricity of the statement, persuading the recipient, building effective argumentation, establishing an implicit dialogue with the reader. Hedging is directly related to the Neo-Gricean principles, allowing the author to implement the above functions through hedging markers, achieving the necessary communicative effect within the framework of the interaction of the addressee and the recipient within the scientific discourse.

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