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Table 1 - The use of grammar in different communicative situations

Doctor - Patient

Doctor - Doctor

- A variety of tenses

How long have they been bothering you?

- Indirect questions

Would you strip to the waist, please?

- Introductory constructions or use of  questions in requests and orders

I’m afraid you have to cut out alcohol.

Could I have a chat with you about your blood pressure management before you go home?

- Infinitival or participial clauses

You seem to be doing quite well.

Let me see you standing.

- A limited number of tenses used  (Simple Present, Simple Past)

Cardiac auscultation reveals a systolic ejection murmur

- Modal verbs

Electrocardiography may show right ventricular hypertrophy

- Passive voice (often with modals)

Medications can be prescribed to help treat symptoms.