Научная статья
Выпуск: № 2 (26), 2021


Цель исследования – выявить лексико-семантические отношения и установить сходства и отличия в вариантах произведения Дж. Лондона “The People of the Abyss” («Люди бездны») на английском и русском языках. Научная новизна исследования заключается в классификации и интерпретации выделенных примеров слов, словосочетаний, метафор и фразеологизмов в текстах произведения. В ходе работы были применены методы сплошной выборки лексики из текстов произведения, сравнительного и статистического анализа, позволившие выявить расхождения между английским и русским вариантами слов и словосочетаний. В результате составлены и проанализированы таблицы и диаграммы, созданные на основе данных, полученных в процессе изучения материала на русском и английском языках.


The relevance of this work lies in the fact that the study of sociological texts in foreign languages is promising in terms of obtaining various results for both the theory and practice of any language learning in the modern linguistic surrounding.

The following tasks were solved to achieve the aim of the present research:

1) to find out the lexical and semantic relations in Russian and English texts, which take place in Jack London’s work “The People of the Abyss” in English [3], as well as in Russian, done by G. P.  Zlobin and S. S. Ivanko [4];

2) to identify examples of words (terms) and phrases in Geography and Biology in the Russian and English texts and give our understanding of each unit.

The works of the following scientists dealing with various linguistic questions and directions are the methodological basis of the study:

1) L. N. Lunkova and M. S. Pavlova considered the issues of interpretation of texts due to the cognitive analysis of metaphors; described the main problems of their translation and understanding [6, P. 905]; 2) O. V. Sergeeva, S. N. Semenova, and other specialists investigated texts of a number of genres containing different cognitive-pragmatic aspects and offered models of classification of the selected material [1], [2, P. 115], [7, P. 67], [10, P. 58]; 3) T. S. Nifanova proposed and described the methodology of metaphorical statements study with the help of a derivational approach in her article [8, P. 138].

The obtained data can be of great practical significance and can be used in teaching activities to improve the educational process; also contribute good results to the development of fruitful cooperation between teachers and students.

So, “The People of the Abyss” is a book of sociological essays by the American writer about the life of the lower strata of London population. He went to the ‘bottom’ of London in order to see and understand what brings longevity, guarantees physical and moral health; what shortens the human age, generates suffering, makes people unhappy. Finally, he saw people, understood everything and described it in his book in order to show poor men’s life difficulties to prosperous human society of the world.

Description and classification of the results

The approach given in the research is driven by a set of materials viewed as the main method of the study. It should be added, that at the contemporary stage of science development it is important to present the results of research, including foreign language. So, our work consisted of several stages. Firstly, we studied J. London’s sociological texts “The People of the Abyss” in English and Russian. Secondly, we selected words (terms), phrases in both versions of the text referring to Geography and Biology. Thirdly, we classified the examples in the tables and diagrams with the calculation of the quantity and percentage ratios of vocabulary to define the most frequently used words.  And fourthly, we identified the examples of metaphors and phraseological units from the original work and the translated version, and gave our explanations on each given unit. 

The table 1 is structured according to the obtained data. It can be underlined that the main blocks are terms in such sciences as Geography and Biology. Examples of words were taken from English and Russian texts selected by continuous sampling. The English examples are highlighted in italics; the translations made by professionals are given in parentheses.


Table 1Classification of words from J. London’s work “The People of the Abyss” in English and Russian





Ratio, %


1. Geographical

East (восточный); East End (восточная сторона); London (Лондон); Sun (Солнце); Earth (Земной шар); Тravelers (путешественники); Africa (Африка); Thibet (Тибет); Streets (улицы);
Ludgate Circus (Ладгейт-Серкус); Cheapside (Чипсайд); routes (маршруты); Water (вода); American (американец); Wilderness (пустыня); City (Сити); Miles (Мили); City (город); Air (воздух); Way (путь); World (мир); Pavements (мостовые); Sea (морская); Stepney Station (станция Степни); Railroad station (железнодорожная станция); coal (уголь); Petticut Lane (Петтикот Лейн); The ends of the earth (край света); Highbury Vale (Хайбери-Вейл); North London (Северная часть Лондона); Day (день); Years (годы); Twenty-four hours (сутки); European traveler (путешествуя по Европе); State (штаты); English (англичане).



2. Biological

2.1. Fauna

Horse (лошадь); Flies (мухи).



2.2. Anatomy

Eye (глаза); Hands (руки); Hand (рука); Head (голова); Cadaver (труп); Brows (брови); Shoulders (плечи); Leather (кожа); Fists (кулаки); Feet (ступни); Throat (горло); Elbows (локти); Palm (ладонь); Under my arm (у меня под мышкой).







The diagram (figure1) was built based on the data in the table 1, obtained through the classification of words and phrases in English and in Russian. It can be concluded that the most used sector refers to geographical terms, less commonly used – biological (terms related to fauna). We think, that the author wanted to draw readers’ attention to the description of the location of the main character’s active life shown in the material of the fiction text.

Fig. 1Ratio of word examples

Interpretation of metaphors and phraseological units

The next step is the identification, classification and interpretation of the following metaphors and phraseological units. So, due to V. N. Yartseva’s a metaphor is: “... the structure of speech consisting in the use of words, phrases or expressions in a figurative sense based on analogy, similarity or comparison…”; and phraseological unit is: “... semantically related combinations of words in a sentence that ... are reproduced in a speech in a fixed ratio of semantic structure and in a certain lexical and grammatical composition…” [5].

Thus, we will give a comment on each selected example. Phrases from the original English version of the work are highlighted in italics, translations made by professionals are given in parentheses, and then our explanations s follow.


- Everybody said (кричали все в один голос) – to speak loudly at the same time;

- With disapprobation writ large upon their faces (я читал решительное неодобрение на их лицах) – to see negative reaction;

- Isn’t worth tu’pence (ни в грош ни ставят) – do not attach importance;

- A stone’s throw (рукой подать) – very closely, nearby;

- Looked me over (оглядел меня с головы до ног) – fully examined;

- Instantly (в мгновение ока) – immediately;

- Having burnt my ships behind me (теперь мои корабли были сожжены) – to leave everything in the past (as a rule in Russian instead of ‘ships’ is used ‘bridges’ (‘мосты’).

Phraseological units:

- Innermost Thibet (в самое сердце Тибета) – in the center of Thibet;

- He said it so cold-bloodedly (он сказал это так хладнокровно) – to say something without feeling;

- Сool waters trickle ceaselessly (журчит без умолку холодная вода) – the cold water flows without stopping;

- Again, he hemmed and hawed (но он всё же колебался) – was indecisive;

- Human wilderness (человеческие джунгли) – people’s crowd;

- At once (да поживей) – to do quicker;

- The streets were filled with a new and different race of people (улицы были запружены людьми незнакомой мне породы) – there were many people of unknown nationality on the streets;

- Little children clustered like flies (ребятишки облепили, точно мухи) – children stood close together from all sides;

- The fear of the crowd smote me (толпа внушила мне страх) – the crowd was very noisy;

- It was like the fear of the sea; and the miserable multitudes, street upon street, seemed so many waves of a vast and malodorous sea, lapping about me and threatening to well up and over me (такой страх внушает морская стихия: сонмы бедняков на улицах представлялись мне волнами необъятного зловонного моря, грозящими нахлынуть и затопить меня) – in this example the author used the comparison technique to show the state of poor people at that time;

- Looked very miserable (вид у него был самый жалкий) – to look very unhappy;

- He managed to articulate (наконец выдавил он из себя) – he managed to formulate his point of view;

- He was growing dubious of his fare (его начинают одолевать сомнения насчет моей личности) – he’s starting to trust me less;

- It would be the last I’d see of you (вас и след простынет) – disappear;

- Paying heavily for my purchases (содрать с меня втридорога) – to specify a price higher than the actual price;

- Disabused him of the notion (развеял его сомнения на мой счёт) – to trust;

- Come, it’s a go (по рукам) – to agree on something;

- To wax mutinous (кипеть гневом) – to get very angry;

- And not a step would he budge (не тронулся с места) – do not move;

- Been indeed unfortunate (здорово не повезло) – to be very unlucky;

- Moralised upon (прочёл сам себе мораль) – to come to a personal conclusion;

- As if made of wood (словно выдолблены из дерева) – very solid;

- I thumped down the stairs (прогромыхал по лестнице) – to come down the stairs loudly;

- From dawn till dark (с утра до ночи) – very long.

In the composition of some metaphors and phraseological units we found geographical (sea, waves, stone, water, dawn, Thibet (proper noun)) and biological (people, wood, flies) terms.

So, due to the above-mentioned examples the received results were put in the table 2 and the diagram (fig. 2).


Table 2 – General information on semantic relations in the text

Semantic relations


Ratio, %

1. Metaphors



2. Phraseological units







The greater proportion of semantic relations refers to “Phraseological units” sector as it is seen on the illustrative material (table 2 and figure 2).

Fig. 2 Semantic relations ratio in the text

Analysis of results

The results of our study of Jack London’s original sociological text “The People of the Abyss” bring us nicely to our concluding note: in the context of this work, the translation of metaphors and phraseological units is considered as a complicated process based on the translators’ ability to immerse themselves in the content of another language and show the interaction of the author’s thoughts and ideas, as well as their understanding and transmission into their native language.

In the study of Jack London’s original text “The People of the Abyss” in English we highlighted metaphors, phraseological units, geographical and biological terms, and then the same units were selected in the text of Russian version. Having studied the use of metaphors and phraseological units in the work, we have an opinion that they are necessary elements for a figurative characters’ image creation, which leads readers to a deeper understanding of the author’s intention.


In almost every separate text it is possible to find words, terms, phrases from different science spheres. We suppose that it is an interesting process to reveal an author’s idea put in a story or to form one’s own opinion. Every time reading the same novel, story or fairy-tale one can find something new and important due to his life experience, level of education, nature and traditions. In conclusion it should be emphasized that despite the significant difficulties that arise in the process of studying and understanding of a text, the need to solve a number of problems is complicated and urgent. The search for effective and rational ways of interpreting the hidden and complicated meanings in a text requires detailing the lexical, grammatical and semantic units and specifying the complex of linguistic means used by an author in his work.

Thus, the received data can be useful in creation of didactic materials for practical classes in English and Russian, as well as in preparation of teaching complex books.

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